Friday, August 10, 2007

Human Incubator

That's what I'm feeling like now. Yesterday morning at 2:30am, I awoke my husband to inform him that my contractions just weren't stopping. They had been going on since 8:45 the night before. So, being a repeat c-section, we got to go into L & D very early where I was poked and prodded until the contractions ceased. I'm thankful that they were able to stop them so that this little girl can develop a little more before meeting us all.

So, for now, I'm ordered to take it easy. No housework, lifting, time in the heat, etc. And so, I sit and wait like a Mama chicken sitting on her eggs. I can't wait to meet her, but I would like for it to be once she is strong enough to survive without the aid of machines or medicines. In only three weeks, she will be considered full term.

Knowing that this is my last baby, I think that I'll just sit back and focus on how cool it is to feel her little feet poking my belly - even when she's doing karate.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Isn't it a miracle how a little person grows inside the womb! Your post brought back memories of how special it was to feel each little movement of the baby. I'm glad you are taking it easy. May God keep you and baby safe and well. His timing is perfect.

  2. Oh, Kendra, I pray he keeps this precious little girl inside until he deems perfect - it will all be well! I've said a prayer for easy, friend.

  3. HEy Kendra! Congratulations on another little one soon to be in your arms! Hope you and yours are doing well. Maybe we'll see you guys again sometime soon.
    Abby (Prescott)
