Saturday, November 6, 2010

Can love help you learn your history lesson?

One of the glorious things about homeschooling is that you are with family. In a healthy home, everyone feels loved and wanted. But, what about in a classroom? What if Sarah said that you couldn't play with her at recess and your Mom forgot to pack you a snack. You're hungry and your heart hurts.

How can the sad, anxious child learn her lesson amidst these distractions of the mind? Well, her teacher has to love her like a mother would, like the Father does. Notice the downcast face. Call Sarah over to restore the friendship. Find a peanut butter sandwich in the kitchen to fill a hungry tummy. Hug. Pray. Whisper, "I love you."

Feeling wanted and included, the child can now relax and soak in her lessons.

I am not a naturally sympathetic or observant person. This job, this environment, these inspiring people are helping me to rise above my nature - to grow up in Christ. With his strength, I can grow to know and to love each person He puts in my path. And, with that love, we are now able to grow.

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